Encouraging, motivating & inspiring your trainee
Ramesh Mehay
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If you do not wish to use your name or email address – just make one up like bart and bart@simpson.com
The relationship is dynamic-it’s both of us who affect it.
The realisation that some trainees are always a friend afterwards and that’s great but fine if not
Get to know trainee well & establish relationship early on. Use personal shield etc
Be wary of preconceived ideas regarding trainees.
Try to identify common ground and work from there.
Labelling your trainee can be unhelpful for both you and the practice but more importantly the trainee.
Motivational interviewing principles can be really helpful with trainers. Ask questions, explore resistance, work with ambivalence.
Thinking about what might demotivate a trainee was really helpful to detail practice, relationship, and other factors that are important for motivating the trainee. In particular being a valued member of the team is vital for the trainee
Emotional banking is a good way to build up trust, so challenge is both easier to do by the trainer and easier to accept by the trainee.
Principles of motivational interviewing- encourage,motivate, inspire
Use these techniques where appropriate in practice
Assessments are reductionist and make us behave in a tick box way and forget the trainee as a person.
Consider doing personal shields to get to know the registrar better.
Eg with where from, greatest achievement, personal aspiration, hobby/interest
Or Timelines.
Motivational Interviewing
Ask q’s like
What do you make of that?
Is there another way?
Like the idea of a positive feedback relationship ‘account’ – building credit which can be ‘drawn upon’ later.
The MI presentation was really helpful: I’ve done MI for patients but it was good to think about how it can apply to training.
“The difficult trainees are the ones who teach us most’.
Importance of knowing your GPR and having rapport which you can use to influence.
But also that intrinsic motivation is more powerful, so we need to be finding ways to provoke this.
Staggering statistic for the conference: non verbal communication 58% of all communication; tone 34% and words just 8%!!!!
From Katrina Butterworth:
I liked the idea of using motivational interview techniques with our trainees. Reinforced using their statements to encourage positive change. Help trainees to identify cognitive dissonance and address this.
Awareness of the risk of labelling, and the effects that can have on the trainee and the team. The labels we make are sticky.
Don’t make you decisions to early, and not just on first impressions.
The mandatory assessments are reductionist, important to think and plan our educational schedules in practice, and as a scheme, to counter that with a bit of Holism.