The Bath Audit Course
the most simple way of understanding audit

08 Implementing Change
Introducing change
Medical audit shows what changes are needed:
- it isn’t a method for changing care;
- actually making the changes is the most difficult part of audit!

Actions to remedy identified deficiencies
- Emphasise what has been achieved.
- What are we proud of?
- What are we not so proud of?
- How can we correct any deficiencies?
Changes must be practical!
How are you actually going to make the changes?
- Simply saying “We’ve got to do better” won’t result in change
- You need to think through in detail
- WHAT needs to be done
- WHO is going to do it
- WHEN and
- HOW.
Keep a record
Keep brief written record of:
- The reason for doing the audit;
- Criteria and standards;
- Results
- Plans for change
- Action taken
- When/whether to repeat the audit.
The Bath Audit Course, Designed by Dr Michael Harris (Bath)