The Bath Audit Course
the most simple way of understanding audit
About this simple audit course...
This course was developed by Professor Michael Harris, who was until recently a GP in Bath and who also worked for the Department of General Practice in Bath, Somerset. Bradford VTS is delighted to host this new resource to help GP trainees do audit.
- This study guide is designed for those who have little or no experience of clinical audit in a General Practice setting.
- Although originally produced for GP Trainees, the principles should be equally relevant to any healthcare worker interested in doing an audit.
- We hope it is helpful. Please leave a comment or two at the bottom of the relevant pages if you have a suggestion on how it can be improved.
The Bath Audit Course, Designed by Dr Michael Harris (Bath)
Please i need a guide on how to do an audit, I have not taken part in any and I hope to start one asap.
Kind Regards