Bradford VTS Online Resources:
Practice Management
Handling & Learning from Complaints
Expect and embrace complaints!
Society is changing and complaints in the NHS are more common now than inthe 1970s and 80s. We should not see that as a bad thing! Complaints are a great opportunity for reflecting on things and making them better. They help fine tune your behaviour and the service you provide. So, start seeing them in a more positive light.
My GP Trainer said to “The only complaint to be scared of is the one where YOU KNOW you have done a wrong”. Complaints are common. Expect 1-2 in General Practice every year about you as a person. Any more, then there really is something to look at more deeply. But my GP Trainer also said “The doctor I get have sometimes a concern about is the doctor who never gets any complaint” and he was saying that because you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
And remember, always put yourself in the patient’s shoes. You’ll then truly understand their thoughts and feelings and this will help you to do the right thing.
We can learn a lot from the business sector
Watch this clip and see if there is anything there that is transferrable from the customer setting to the patient setting.
And for a bit of fun, here is a clip from Fawlty Towers. How not to handle a complaint. Manuel is a waiter from Spain who speaks little English.
Have you recieved a complaint? Under Investigation? Feel low, depressed?
Please speak to your GP Trainer and Training Programme Directors.