Contributions - please give

Are you a long term user of this site? A newbie? GP Trainer? GP Trainee? Love the free stuff we provide?
Then please support us by way of a small donation. An incredible amount of hardwork and time goes into this website done in our free time. Help us continue to do what we lovingly do for you. Please support Bradford VTS today.
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A small annual recurring contribution of say something like £30 per year would be absolutely great. It would stop us from having to repeatedly ask every year and will help secure the longevity of the Bradford VTS website. But it is up to you.
IT'S a sad fact...
Bradford VTS doesn’t get much money from large external sources. In fact, a lot of the funding comes out of our own pocket. We do get some contributions from kind people – mostly GP trainers. Unfortunately, not many trainees 🙁 It would be great if you could help too.
You can also advertise a job, a post and even a course on this website? A site which nearly all GP trainees, newly qualifieds, and GP trainers visit in the UK and Ireland. 45000 hits virtually every month! Great exposure: tell your Practice Manager:
Thank you

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