Communication Skills
Teaching Communication Skills
- Damian Kenny’s Consultation Teaching website (on how to teach consultation skills)
- Skills Cascade (website on Calgary Cambridge Consultation Skills)
- – a really good site with a really good consultation book. Does courses too.
- Doctors Speak Up is an AMAZING Australian resource.
- TALC – amazing consultation resource from Manchester
This section is primarily for GP Trainers & Educators
If you’re a new or established trainer, we hope these pages will furnish you with some exciting and innovative ways of teaching communication skills and other consultation skills. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve these pages or add a section you think is missing, post a comment below.
The key to learning a practical skills is practise!
Yes, you have to know some Consultation Theory before you can practice it. You cannot practise a skill if you don’t understand the knowledge of the individual steps that make up that skill. But one of the best ways of teaching both the theory and developing the skill is through repeated practice. Please note the word repeated. Repeated practice leads to expertise. With your trainees,
- Practise microskills through role play
- Practise CSA cases with you (the Trainer) being the patient
- Do Sit and Swap real surgeries
- Sit in and observe their surgeries and offer advice/demonstrate/get them to repeat a consultation microskill.
- Both you and the trainee attend simulated patient training sessions hosted by the Deanery or your local GP training scheme.