Consultation Skills
Data Gathering
What is data gathering
Data is information. So, data gathering is the gathering of information. Now, a lot of trainees think that data gathering in the GP consultation is all about taking a good history. But that is only part of the equation. Doing the right clinical examination and tests is also data gathering. Exploring the patient’s ideas about what might be going on, their concerns and worries and what they are hoping for from the consultation is also data gathering. And finally, explore the effect of the patient’s problem on their life at home, life at work, social life and their psychological well being is another aspect of data gathering.
So, in summary, DATA GATHERING =
- The History
- The Examination
- Lab & Other Diagnostic Test Results
- The patient’s Ideas, Concerns & Expectations (ICE)
- The effect of the problem on the patient’s Psycho Social Occupational well-being (PSO).