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Clinical Knowledge
ENT (Ears, Nose & Throat)
Important features in the history
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Important features in the Examination
Vertigo: The HINTS examination
The HINTS exam- this exam helps to differentiate between peripheral and central cause of vertigo, such as vestibular neuritis vs stroke. It should be done on patients who present within hours or days of on going vertigo and nystagmus.
- Reassuring HINTS exam is – Unidirectional nystagmus, No vertical skew, and abnormal head impulse test. likely vestibular neuritis.
- Worrying HINTS test is – Bidirectional or vertical nystagmus, vertical skew or normal head impulse test. Need imaging to rule out posterior or cerebellar stroke.
Red Flags
- Acute hearing loss is an emergency if sensorineural. Needs brain MRI.
Other Top Tips